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    Minuto ColaboradorHow important is decarbonization for your company?

    How important is decarbonization for your company?

    Texto: João Reis

    Over the past decades, world energy consumption has grown overwhelmingly. This growth was essentially due to two factors: the first one related to the rapid development of developing countries, which easily adopted our level of energy consumption; and, secondly, with the achievement of a new and high level of energy consumption in the so-called developed countries, through industrial production, air, maritime and land transport, service buildings, commerce and housing.

    Having reached this “new” level of global energy consumption, it was found that, even with the publication of different regulations for new equipment to be used (more efficient in all these areas), consumption did not stabilize nor decrease, which reinforces the real and serious problem we face for the sustainability of the planet, which needs urgent action.

    All the development experienced in recent decades was fundamentally anchored on fossil energies, which caused the massive emission of greenhouse gases, such as CO2. Thus, a problem of climate change has arisen on a global scale, which, if not stopped and quickly reversed, will lead to a catastrophe for all Humanity. We are no longer speaking of countries, whether developed or developing. We are now talking about a problem on a global scale that everyone, as Humanity, has to deal with.


    The quest for carbon neutrality

    In order to mitigate the massive emission of greenhouse gases, and so as to maintain our “normal” lifestyle, it is important that we move towards achieving carbon neutrality on the planet, as soon as possible.

    To this end, there are two different paths to be carried out simultaneously:

    – a first one, related to the maintenance of forest parks, which serve as CO2 sinks, being necessary to plant more and more trees and limiting the deforestation of our planet as much as possible;

    – a second one, which will be the Decarbonization of our current energy consumption. To do that, there are other two options, which should also be taken at the same time: the first should involve a major focus on energy, thermal and electrical efficiency, with regards to the new requirements for equipment which will enter the market; simultaneously, and specifically for existing consumption/equipment, the immediate massive investment will be necessary to support all types of consumers, private, public, individual and collective, so that they can replace old, inefficient equipment and consumers of fossil energy.

    The latter being directly related to the massive implementation of renewable energies in a centralized way, but also in a decentralized way, for example, through self-consumption with the installation of photovoltaic panels.


    Roadmap to Decarbonization

    EnergyCon presents itself to the market and its customers as the ideal partner in achieving the goal of Carbon Neutrality, through a transversal intervention in all areas included in the Decarbonization process.

    This way, we manage to reduce companies’ energy consumption – natural gas, electricity, gasoline and diesel – through an integrated intervention on the field of ​​energy efficiency.

    It is, therefore, essential to analyze the potential of each company and its specific consumption to implement renewable energy projects. With them, we will be able to reduce or eliminate previous consumption of fossil energy, with the implementation of the following areas:

    – Green hydrogen;

    – Forest biomass;

    – High efficiency cogeneration;

    – Photovoltaic;

    – Eolic;

    – Batteries / Power storage, etc.

    With new regulations being published for ​​self-consumption, EnergyCon will be able to present and deliver integrated projects, capable of considerably reducing CO2 emissions while, indirectly, guaranteeing a reduction in energy consumption and its respective fixed costs.

    This change in consumption and emissions is urging so that companies, our society and the planet can achieve carbon neutrality and overcome the greatest challenge that Humanity has ever faced.



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